Whispered has built one of the deepest databases of unposted executive roles.
When people discover our list of unposted roles, they get excited and think it is a shortcut to finding their next role.
But a list of unposted roles is just one component of an executive job search and it rarely is a silver bullet.
Why do people share unposted roles with Whispered?
Executives, recruiters and companies contribute roles they can’t post elsewhere because Whispered:
Allows recruiter/company to determine how their role is shared: We understand that different roles require different levels of security. Some roles are unposted just to avoid a flood of unqualified applicants while others are unposted because a confidential transition is in progress. See all the reasons roles typically aren’t posted.
Is Secure: Whispered only allows paid members who have signed our confidentiality agreement to view unposted roles. If we sold unposted roles without our vetting process, recruiters and companies wouldn’t trust us with these sensitive roles.
Is Connected: Whispered can anonymously “whisper” roles through connected leaders, allowing qualified / passive candidates to discover roles without sharing your company information.
Why Whispered doesn’t sell roles ala carte?
Whispered didn’t set out to build a marketplace for roles. We deeply understand the challenges of executives looking for their next role (because our founders all lived these challenges) so we built a complete system to help accelerate executive careers.
We have consistently observed that to be successful in finding your next role you need:
Clarity in Your Focus: Many executives we speak with struggle to define their focus. They want to keep their options open but by doing so they hurt themselves. If you are struggling with clarity, visit our free Career Clarity guide and discover suggested coaches.
Clarity in How you Communicate: Once you have that clarity, communicating it with recruiters and your network is critical. Find tactics in our free Search Strategy Guide
The Playbook: Leveraging your network is challenging. Whispered’s free guide on “The Search” shares the right tactics for your search.
Connections: Top executives have been heads down operating. Whispered’s premium membership accelerates you with connections to top recruiters, venture firms and companies.
Visibility: Whispered's Executive Directory highlights your background for top recruiters.
Information: Picking the right company is hard. Whispered’s Company Insights provides confidential insights on the real story on companies.
Support: While you might take the first role, you need to make the right choice. Most executive job searches take 3+ months. To support you through the process, Whispered provides community support and targeted advice.
If you aren’t clear, connected and informed you will struggle in your search. For this reason, Whispered only accepts paid members who:
Have a clear focus: They need to be able to articulate it effectively
Can take feedback: We provide deep feedback based on patterns we observe. Those who can leverage our feedback can leverage Whispered well
Appreciate the entire Whispered model: We don’t take on executives who are transactional and just looking for a list of roles
Pay it forward: Our community is powered by user contributions (both roles but also introductions).

There are rarely shortcuts. For those who understand this, Whispered is built to accelerate you