As part of your job search, you will want to put some time into building a clear narrative to support the (many) conversations you’ll be having.
Here are some of the questions you will get asked. Here are some other questions that you should be ready to answer. Remember: It’s important to be concise and, ideally, to back up each idea with an anecdote to illustrate your point and make it memorable.
What is your super-power? Think about the value do you bring to a company
Why are you looking now? Help people understand why are you leaving your last job, making this transition
What is the role you are looking for? Get clarity on your next role
What type of company do you want to work for? Learn how to get clarity on your target profile and build a list of target companies
Why are you leaving/looking? You should have an easy, casual answer that doesn't complain / come across as jaded.
"I've learned that I shouldn't proactively try to explain why I left a job but wait for them to ask and have a simple story ready." Whispered Executive
It’s important to step back and think about the themes driving your next career steps. Writing about themes/trends you are excited about can catalyze your search. This clarity can make it easier for you to engage people in deeper conversations and identify companies you are excited about.
“So few candidates have a thesis for the problems they are excited to solve. This clarity of thought can help guide their search and make them much more compelling as candidates.” Chuck Brotman, Recruiter and Founder of Blueprint Expansion
Nail your stories
Great speakers almost always have prepared stories they use in their speeches because well-crafted narratives are a powerful tool to engage the audience, convey a message effectively, and make their points more memorable
You should prepare in advance ~3 impactful stories that you can use in every interview / discussion to highlight areas including:
The impact you drive
How you lead
How you work at an executive level
How you are comfortable getting your hands dirty
Practice these stories regularly. Both in front of the mirror, on interview calls but also podcasts are a great place to practice these stories.