Congrats on your new role! 🎉
If you haven't yet, we love for you to celebrate with a post in #general
Hopefully Whispered had a positive impact on your search. We'd ❤️ to include you on our Wall of Love. If you are game to share your experience you can:
Post about Whispered on LinkedIn (we will turn this into a great testimonial)
Share a few thoughts in a slack DM to us that we can turn into a testimonial
We’d also love to continue our relationship with you as a Whispered alumnus. We have thought about how best to help alumni, keep them involved in the community, and be there when you next need us and have developed a few options:
Option A Leave Whispered | Option B Contribute | Option C Monitor Market | |
Community Access | Exit slack community | ||
App access | Company Insights w/ credits | Company Insights w/ credits | Company Insights Roles unlimited |
Ways Whispered can help you |
Discount on next search | 10% | 25-60% depending on contributions | 50-90% depending on contributions |
Cost | $0 | $0 | |
Ways you can contribute |