Whispered Coaching
Whispered delivers the feedback that recruiters can't.
The main purpose of Whispered is to accelerate your search once you have clarity in your focus. It's different than executive coaching – and both are valuable. Learn more about our approach below and discover recommended coaches.
How is Whispered different from - and complimentary to - executive coaching?
Nature of the service: Coaches work closely with you on a personal basis to think through your career strategy. Whispered focuses on helping people with their career journey with tactics, information, introductions, and targeted advice.
Where it happens: Coaching is typically via scheduled calls. Whispered's advice is mostly async in Slack or Loom and targeted at key moments in your search.
Pricing: Coaches charge by time (great coaches often are in the $400+ per hour range). Whispered's model charges a one-time fee for unlimited access to our resources, tools, strategies and community.
Outcome: Coaches help people process / cope / improve how they manage / refine what is important to them in life. Whispered is focused on helping people at critical career junctures.
Domain expertise: Coaches can help you better handle the situation but often can’t get deep into helping you find your next role. Whispered focuses on a narrow domain (senior leaders in technology) and we know this domain well.
Approach: Coaches focus on guiding you to figure out things yourself and understand them deeply internally. Whispered gives more directed, tactical advice from the experience of other execs.
Style: Coaches are supportive and nurturing. Whispered is all about direct, candid feedback.
For areas that require personalized coaching, read the articles below to get started and find coaches that we think are great:
Career Direction: Are you still deciding what comes next? Looking for a full-time role or Career 2.0?
Resume writing: Do you need help positioning yourself and telling your story? You can get free feedback from the Whispered team
Role Clarity: Thinking deeply about which role to focus on? See our guide here
Compensation: Struggling how to navigate compensation? Read deep advice from a top compensation coach
Interview preparation: Prepping to rock your next interview? Understand how recruiters are evaluating you
Other types of coaching...
​​For areas that require personalized coaching, read the articles below to get started and find coaches that we think are great:
Career Direction: Are you still deciding what comes next? Looking for a full-time role or Career 2.0?
Resume writing: Do you need help positioning yourself and telling your story? You can get free feedback from the Whispered team
Role Clarity: Thinking deeply about which role to focus on? See our guide here
Compensation: Struggling how to navigate compensation? Read deep advice from a top compensation coach
Interview preparation: Prepping to rock your next interview? Understand how recruiters are evaluating you